
Electricity: Journeyman Electricians’ license exam certification

Course Description

This 600-hour curriculum is developed to attract many individuals to have an interest to pursue a career in a vocational trade in electricity. The program will accomplish the theoretical training with a minimum of hands-on in-class training. Contemporary N.E.C. codes and safety standards in O.S.H.A. will be taught. Our setup with Electrical construction companies will enable the student to further a career in electricity application as a journeyman where he/she may continue to learn and log on practical exposure to qualify for sitting for the Journeyman Electricians’ license exam certification. Students will work for 5 years with an electric company where their work hours will be logged and used toward their exam prerequisite requirements.

Eferon Solar Solutions


Admission is open to all persons. The school will admit individuals who have a high school diploma or GED, or equivalent. The "equivalent" means that the credential is equal to a US High School Diploma as confirmed by an evaluating company. The evaluation report must be sent to the admission office directly from the evaluating company.

A desire for a career in the solar renewable energy industry coupled with a strong drive to succeed is all that is required of an applicant. A member of the Admissions Department must interview all applicants. Applicants must demonstrate the ability to benefit from the training and be committed to completing their program of study. If the applicant desires to pursue a selected program, an appointment for a school tour is made for a future date, allowing time to investigate other schools and opportunities. All applicants who will seek federal and county grant funding to pay for their training offered through the Hudson County Career One-Stop, family services, and applicable state agencies must also complete an Aptitude and Assessment Test. If the applicant, by our admissions criteria, does not meet the minimum requirement for acceptance, they will be encouraged to improve their basic skills before enrollment. Upon request, the applicant will be given the location of the nearest Adult Learning Center. At this point, the applicant signs an enrollment agreement, and the application and registration fees are requested. Any applicant rejected by the school will receive a refund of all monies paid to the school. The applicant is given conditional acceptance until the school receives the applicant's high school diploma, GED, or Basic Skills Test scores.

To graduate, students must complete all required assignments and classwork with a final Grade Point Average (GPA) of 2.0 or above. Students must have a minimum attendance rate of 80 percent of the scheduled time. Tuition accounts must be satisfied. A student who satisfactorily completes a certificate program will receive a Certification of completion from Eferon Solar upon graduation.

Clock Hours Of Instructon Tuition Admin Fees Textbook Fees Tool/Supply Fees Test/Licensing/Fees Total Cost
600 $13,300 $200 $125 $75 $300 $14,000
  • Certifications: NABCE P PV Entry Level Exam
  • Completion time: 6-12 months
  • Total Hours: 850 hours